Why study online with IMAS?
IMAS is the leading CIMA Tuition provider with proven track record on delivering results.
Why Choose the IMAS Online CIMA Course?
1. The online course is designed with you in mind – Our extensive experience of getting CIMA students to pass their exams gave us insight in designing a successful online programme for busy professionals. This manifest itself in our topic-by-topic lecture videos and detailed lecture notes.
2. The programme is practical – our programme takes you through critical course content followed by practical examples that are used to demonstrate the theory taught. Upon completing each chapter, students have an opportunity to do practice questions to test their knowledge and understanding.
3. End-to-End Support – a step by step weekly guide of what to cover is provided through our scheme of work. This along our team dedicated student liaison officer who go above and beyond your expectations to provide the highest level of support will ensure a seamless and enjoyable study journey with IMAS. Call or email, and you’ll find a friendly and focused ally on the other end dedicated to your success.
4. Affordable online course – 80% of CIMA students in South Africa does self-study due to the lack of funds or work commitments. Our course is meant to bridge the financial divide and offer a course that covers 100% of the CIMA new syllabus and assist you to pass on first attempt.
Pre Requisite
CIMA Registered?
Our online courses assumes that a student is already registered with CIMA and has received his or her exemptions. If you are not registered with CIMA already and have not received exemptions, feel free to contact our student liaison officer on 0861 4343 333 or email info@imas-sa.co.za.