business qualifications

Institute of Certified Bookkeepers Qualification

 IMAS is a proud learning partner for the Institute of Certified   Bookkeepers (ICB), an 87-year-old Independent External   Examination Body for Accredited Business Qualifications in   Southern Africa. IMAS is an accredited private college with   Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) to offer   the ICB accredited programmes.

 ICB is an appointed Quality Assurance Partner for QCTO   (Quality Council for Trades and Occupations), which is part of   the Department of Higher Education and Training. ICB is   authorized to conduct examinations on a number of Registered   Qualifications that are on the NQF (National Qualifications   Framework).

 ICB has successfully graduated more than 25 000 students over the last 5 years!

Learn more about ICB by watching the short video below

IMAS ICB Accreditation Letter


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